Convert Aruba AP-315 to IAP


Configuring TFTP server

You can run a TFTP server on your Windows computer using free software such as the TFTP Server by SolarWinds.

Copy the InstantOS file into the root folder of your TFTP server. If you are using TFTP Server by SolarWinds, the default root folder will be C:\TFTP-Root.

Run your TFTP program to start the server.

You’ll need to disable the firewall in Windows Security to allow the AP access to download the InstantOS image from the TFTP server. Open the Windows firewall settings by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and then search for “firewall“.

Next: Connecting the console cable

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2 responses to “Convert Aruba AP-315 to IAP”

  1. randominternetperson Avatar

    thank you so much, Just converted an AP315 which was stuck in INSTANTAP mode and wont do anything but flash green light, i was able to get it to webadmin access with InstantOS

    Thanks so much, you are a genius!!

  2. randominternetperson Avatar

    thanks a zillion times for this, I just fixed my AP 315 stuck in instantAP mode forever and was nothing but a paperweight.

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